Somebody's Daughter Theatre Company

SDT, in partnership with Newcomb Secondary College, delivers an arts-led education program for school ‘ non-attenders’ at the R.S. & S. Old Woollen Mill, Geelong. The program is called Nobody’s Fool Theatre.
Nobody’s Fool Theatre (NFT) is a full-time, creatively led education program for marginalised and disadvantaged young people who fall through the cracks of mainstream education.
The Geelong based program welcomed its first students in 2016, and offers participants a safe and inclusive learning environment where they work toward Victorian Curriculum outcomes in English, Mathematics and Drama. Individual learning plans and personal projects also generate outcomes in other learning areas. Intensive workshops are conducted by SDT artists throughout the year in drama, music, dance and multi-media.
This program is modelled on the HIGHWATER THEATRE program in Wodonga – a very successful arts–led collaboration with education and health.
The NFT program has three objectives:
Re-engagement with education – young people aged 12- 18 in the Greater Geelong area, who can’t do mainstream school.
Engage a wider group of marginalised young people in the arts.
Performance and workshops for the wider community.

In addition to their education, NFT young people are involved in performances and workshops open to schools and wider the community within Victoria.